Cozy Winter Reminders & Moxibustion

Winter offers opportunities to slow down, rest more and go within. When we rest to recharge in winter we have more energy to burst forth in spring. Take a midday nap, go to bed early, sleep in when u can and hibernate in your own way.

Keeping warm & staying hydrated are also important. Cover up your lower back, head, neck and ankles to keep wind & cold from entering the body. IF wind & cold enter the body they can cause pain & tremors. Water consumption can sometimes fall to the wayside in winter; remember your body always needs this vital substance. Humidifiers may also be useful during this season with artificial hot air keeping our homes warm.

Moxibustion (an herbal heat therapy used to warm an Acupoint, Meridian or area of the body) is a great tool for self treatment at home. Moxibustion can be done daily and usually takes a few minutes. It can be your energizing morning or cozy night time ritual. Check out this video as a gentle guide to get you started.


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